Stories from Mahabharata

While a lot has been written, said, screenplayed about Mahabharata; I take this opportunity to bring out 18 stories from the great epic through my perspective. Some of these stories are about characters not so well known and some characters who drive the story forward, but just with an imaginative twist.

Why 18 stories you ask? The war of Kurukshetra, which is the mainstay of Mahabharata was a war of 18 days and hence I chose 18 stories from this epic and bring them out everyday for you. Hope you enjoy reading them, as much I enjoy writing them. Lets cherish this epic during this lockdown, not only on Doordarshan but also on my blog:

Stay tuned!

1. Barbarik-
2. Ashwathama-
3. Satyavati, Kunti, Draupadi-
4. Expansion of Kuru Clan-
5. Pandu-
6. Dhritarashtra-
7. Dronacharya-
8. Arjuna-
9. Karna-
10. Shikhandi-
11, Shishupal-
12. Kurukshetra war-
13. Nala and Damyanti-
14. Yuyutsu-
15. Shakuni-
16. Duryodhan-
17. Ganga, Ulupi, Chitrangada-
18. Last Journey of Pandavas-


Yudi Rusdia said…
Bravo khyati - will certainly read!