Everyday Escapees…

It’s the everyday life,
Synching the rhythm of unglamorous humdrum to the fleeting seconds.
Looking through the mesmerizing second to realize,
It’s gone for long, never to return.

The same cup of tea, to the familiar music of commuting traffic,
The walloping paper stacks, and clickety-clack of the typing computers;
Deciding fates of abject;
Bestowing no choice, among the doomed alternatives.

The damp Tuesday evening, the avaricious breeze blowing through,
The hustle and bustle of the pullulating city,
Drives me closer to tranquility;
So eirenic, yet symphonizing obliteration.

The nothingness in the euphemistic moments,
Defines the deterrent example,
Life is to be lived in the instance;
or you’d long for the ordinary mundane. 
