Its been long, dear blog since my last post; but it was necessary that I return back to writing and soon. It was even more imperative now, since I wish to recall this moment twice, in the moment and in retrospect. I am fabricating this probably to a much greater extent, than it deserves; but I need to remember this instance as the one where I stood firm and mettlesome. This was one time in occurrence wherein I took the lesson that, one should never let people or circumstances steal the best of you. It reminds me of the age old song, “kuch to log kahenge, logon ka kaam hai kehna…”
Its best to understand that pleasing people, is like feeding the mythical fiend who will never be happy and always be hungry for more. In the process of attaining success or being something, we often slay and sacrifice ourselves and the morals with which we are raised. This act how-so-ever disregarded, takes away a bit of us in the course of action.
Offence is the best defence, is the motto which most people play by; it doesn’t matter whether its occupational or mundane sequences . The weakest and the unostentatious are the most oppressed, what is generally over looked that silence could be the most potent weapon. By and large the person most blaring at meetings/gatherings is the one who attracts most attention but the most libellous is the one who is tacit and unfeigned (not necessarily the quality exists together in all).
Ultimately, to all those how prefer saying, instead of showing; all I can say is that, here I am realising that its all imbecility, in the attempt to teach the pig to sing, you waste your time and annoy the pig.Silence is golden and if some very lucky, they master the art of self indulgence almost to the level intellectual discourse in other times, there always are friends.
Picture Source: Bahubali (2015)
Picture Source: Bahubali (2015)