Flipping through the books of medical literature (now that’s an oxymoron used here, because I no longer look at those books for differentials and hence they are just literature these days), suddenly the stages of mental progressivity of terminal cancer stuck me; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Some similarity with these I see in my daily life. Having compared life with procession of cancer; I chose to replace cancer with change, free willed or forced upon us in the day-to-day life.
Denial is the symptom which we face for the longest period of time and the rest come over after we have accepted the change in one or the other way. Longest because it could be prolonged to the largest span, sometimes covers the life time. Communication barrier, between two generations or may be within a generation is a part of this denial phase. I believe it to be the most painful too, this is the time when we learn to cease to introspect too, the most biased and pre-determined opinions and judgments are retrieved from self.
People broadly could be classified into two types: Dreamers and realist. Dreamers are the ones, I trust who stay in the phase of denial for the longest period of time, and realist even though escape of the denial but are always skeptical about the acceptance phase of change. The micro-analysis of moderation makes them a borderline case of depression and acceptance. The accelerated pace of life, we live these days; when we play a dreamer and realist in the various phases for varied alterations; how does one person find the detour from denial. It’s like the multi-personality disorder within one self makes it impossible to define the complexities within the intricacies of life.